As Great Bend Public Schools prepare to welcome students back on August 27, teachers are training and prepping classrooms, students and families are filling backpacks with supplies, and administrators are working through new realities and protocols to return safely. However, there is also a dedicated team working mostly behind the scenes to ensure the health and nutrition of our community’s youth – the USD 428 Food Service Department.
Although school buildings closed in March of 2020, the USD 428 Central Kitchen still managed to serve 145,000 meals to children 18 and under during this time.
“Our team is made up of cooks, servers, drivers and administrative staff who showed up day-in and day-out to make sure the youth of our community had a nutritious meal to eat, even in uncertain times,” said Kristy Alvord, Food Service director for USD 428. “This is a fast-paced operation, but we see the rewards of our work each day in the faces of students we serve.”
During the school year, the USD 428 Central Kitchen will serve approximately 2,200 meals each day at nine locations across Great Bend. To accomplish this task, USD 428 is looking to hire up to eight servers and two drivers, all part-time positions.
“We are eager to fill the remaining positions on our team,” said Alvord. “As school resumes next week, we hope to hit the ground running!”
For more information about USD 428’s Food and Nutrition Department, visit or call the District Office at 620-793-1500. Those interested in employment opportunities are invited to learn more at USD 428 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.