The Ellinwood city council members decide on new lights fixtures on Santa Fe Boulevard in the meeting on Tuesday.
One of the items that was discussed in the meeting was to replace the wooden street light poles with metal poles along Santa Fe Boulevard during the Kansas Department of Transportation drainage project. All expenses associated with this project are being paid by KDOT. However, KDOT will only pay the cost of replacement with similar materials. The additional cost of upgrading the wooden poles to metal would have to be borne by the city. To replace the wooden poles with the metal poles would cost the city approximately $12,000. After some discussion the city council members decided to stay with the wooden poles to save the city money. However the city council members did decide to go with new LED light fixtures, that will replace the ones on the poles that will have to be removed and relocated during the KDOT project. The new light fixtures will cost $190 each, but the city will only have to pay $80 for each one, after KDOT reimburses the city for the existing light fixtures. Over time the LED light fixtures will save the city money due to the LED lights using less energy and possibility lasting longer then the lights that are in use today,
Other items on the agenda include:
•The Ellinwood city council members honored Chris Komarek with an award for 35 years of service with the electric department.
•The city council members set a date for a work study session to review the 2016 budget on July 27. This will allow time to publish the notice of public hearing for the budget. The publication will be on •July 31, and the public hearing will be at the regular council meeting on Aug, 11.
•The Sidewinders Motorcycle club got approval to use the Ellinwood city park on Aug, 22 for the annual Fallen Brother Run. The council members also approved the use of cereal malt beverages in the park during the run.
•The city council members approved the purchase of a piece of property located at Hirsh and Santa Fe Boulevard. The reason behind purchasing this property is for easement to the water main and to have access to other property the city owns.
Wood poles and new street lights coming to Ellinwood