I have been thinking about conservation this week. I think I have good conservation awareness. You see, I sort and wash cans, divide newspapers from regular paper, and recycle. I even wash the dog food cans! Yuk! My reason?
We don’t need that stuff in the dump. At least, I am helping to avoid the city landfill, plus any resulting CO2 emissions.
So, let’s talk about that supposedly awful, terrible carbon dioxide. A Professor Ian Plimer explains it so well for my limited mind.
Here we go. Hang on. The answer is not what you might think. He explains ...
“The volcanic eruption in Iceland on March 19, 2021 had, in just four days, negated every single effort made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet.” He continues, “This carbon dioxide that we are all trying to suppress is a vital compound that every plant on earth requires to live and grow, and to synthesize it into oxygen for all living plants and animals.”
CO2 is a vital compound! Do you see that?
So, as difficult as this may sound to some ears, it has to be very disheartening to realize that all “these carbon emissions we have attempted to curtail as we have bought fabric shopping bags, and driven Prius hybrids, using only two squares of toilet paper, selling our gas guzzling devices and replacing all of our 50 cent light bulbs with $10 light bulbs ... well, all of these efforts went down the tubes in just those four days,” he adds.
I don’t know about you, but I love it when political nonsense and trumped up “scare tactics” get disproved.
The Professor goes on, “And to make things even worse, every time a volcano erupts, which is often, it spews out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race has emitted in all its years on earth.” Oh, and by the way, let’s not forget the many bush fires in the U.S and Australia, and the rest of the grass and forest fires in the world.
Certainly, we all must care for our earthly home as well as we can, but it appears that these calls of wolf! wolf! are excuses to impose high carbon taxes on us, all because there are people making these decisions who know nothing, deciding that “nothing” is a good reason for more tax...as they blame us humans for causing all this carbon dioxide emission.
Bad humans! We will scare you and tax you! You won’t be smart enough to learn the facts!
Makes one yawn. Maybe we need to be reminded of God’s creation and His maintaining the balance of CO2 and oxygen. He is not shaken off his throne by this weak, unscientific based nonsense.
So, I ask myself this. How have people fallen for this ‘Climate Change’ theory? The earth has cooled by .7 degrees in the past century. So? The earth has always been in flux. As for this theory of CO2 being a threat? I don’t think so, folks.
Now I ask. Who of you is going to rush right down to the car dealer, trade off your truck, and buy a very expensive little, battery powered car? In Kansas! To drive that battery car in the pasture. Out on dirt roads. And who of us is going to stop riding on planes because they use jet fuel? And as for battery cars? What a boon for car manufacturers. Follow the money, friends.
No. We are not stupid. We might not take the time to think about all these various challenges that are bombarding us. After all, we are working...raising families. Living life. We may be guilty of not keeping up or opposing these ideas with our letters and phone calls, but once we are informed, watch out. We will make up our minds and make sure we are heard.
After all, there are other issues pressing on us right now in the public forum, so we may as well get in practice. People are waking up.
Judi Tabler