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Travels with POTUS, FLOTUS and the Riddler
Making Sense
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Come on guys, let’s start focusing on the important stuff like ObamaCare, Ukraine and winning the Senate.All this outrage in the conservative media about how much money it’s costing for Barack Obama’s trip to Belgium and for Michelle Obama’s travels to China is just a waste of time.Yes, the cost of their trips, whether they’re measured in millions of dollars or thousands of hotel-room nights, is outrageous.But what POTUS (the president of the United States) and FLOTUS (the first lady of the United States) are doing on their travels is nothing new or abnormal.Obama’s official overseas trips and family vacations seem extravagant and more expensive than they should be, but they’re not significantly higher in number than George W. Bush’s were. According to a National Taxpayer Foundation study reported by, so far Obama has taken 31 trips and spent 119 days abroad. That compares to George W. Bush’s 28 trips and 116 days overseas in his first five years and Bill Clinton’s 27 trips and 113 days.Let’s get real.