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Voters Message: Consequences for Sex Scandals
Independents Eye
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So much for voters being poised to show that they don’t care about sex scandals anymore.Forget about former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford’s surprise May election to the House of Representatives despite the sex scandal stemming from his lie about hiking on the “Appalachian trail” rather than being in Latin America visiting his girlfriend. This year voters made humiliating examples of the Three Stooges of sex scandals -- Bob Filner, Elliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner - and politicians everywhere, beware.Voters sent a strong message that said: “You can run again and we might give you a second look, but if you mess up again we won’t want you and if we have someone who hasn’t messed up before we’ll probably pick them over you no matter what you say. Give it your best shot -- but don’t quit your day job.”At one point it seemed each of the three would survive, but their political storms proved to have been hurricanes, leaving shattered political dreams.Sanford had indeed survived.