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Where was civility before this? -- Susan Brown
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Once upon a time in America, civility inspired citizens to pause from partisanship long enough to acknowledge horrific tragedies like the Tucson Arizona massacre for what they are rather than use the tragedy as an opportunity to twist, spin, distort, pervert and misrepresent facts and hurl unfounded accusations in a feeble attempt to gain political ground.For the progressive pundit “journalists,” civility is a faint memory — if it ever existed at all — as they relentlessly hold Sarah Palin in their crosshairs and justify the politicization of the Tucson massacre by drawing an imaginary line between Palin and conservatives to the bloodshed. Dismissing intelligent discourse that the suspect is allegedly a nonpartisan psychopath who was booted out of college and rejected from the military due to mental issues and drug addiction, the left strapped their saddle to their tired one-trick pony called “Blame Conservatives.”The left seems to be grappling to hold on to their fading utopian dream and will do anything, hell or high water, to keep people in their column next election and to keep their delusion alive. The hollow attempt to pin the shooter’s inspiration on Sarah Palin’s now famous “target map” fell short and exposed the nastiness and desperation of the progressive “Do As I Say, Not As I Do” movement.