Dear Editor,
Mr. Wilborn seems to have settled on a clown theme for his campaign. His radio spots and his mailings trumpet the same theme, “We can’t afford to have a clown represent us.” People who hear this message are supposed to think that Mr. Wilborn is the only one of the five candidates who is not a “clown”.
A McPherson city leader was heard to say of Wilborn that he will be more of a statesman than the other candidates --- really? To me it is unstatesmanlike and a mark of desperation to set yourself up as the only “non-clown” candidate. Such belittling tactics are immature and insensitive, and certainly unstatesmanlike.
Yes, Mr. Wilborn, we can’t afford to have a clown represent us, but neither can we afford to have a prideful, arrogant, politician represent us in Topeka.
Charles Carlson
Little River
Clown theme for campaign