Dear Editor,
May 1st was the first volunteer work day in the community for the students at GBHS. Even though this was a postponed date due to inclement weather, Mother Nature did her best to ruin the date again with wind and cold rain. We at FUMC in Great Bend had to cancel our outside painting projects. However, we were able to utilize approximately 25 students to remove storm windows and wash the storm windows and the interior windows on the alley side windows of the church. Those students finished that project in short order with no complaints. Next we had them tackle our basement nursery which needed an old wallpaper border removed. The students then finished painting the walls of the nursery with two coats of paint which made the nursery sparkle! We enjoyed the hustle and good humor shown by the students.
If anyone thinks that today’s generation of young people are self centered and lazy, they should have seen them tackle our projects with vigor and enthusiasm. We would again like to thank the students and teachers involved in the work day as well as the GBHS administration! We hope you make this an annual affair.
Terry N. Turner, DVM
Missions Chairperson,
First United Methodist Church
GBHS Volunteer Work Day, May 1st a Great Success