Dear Editor,
Since 1978, individuals and groups in Sterling have cooperated to host one of the largest feasts in Kansas, the annual Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner.
Volunteers under the direction of Linda Tripp and Paul Bingle, will be preparing and serving the meal from 500-700 diners. The meal will be served from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26, in the Sterling College cafeteria (located in the Student Union Building on campus).
The menu will feature turkey and dressing, mashed and sweet potatoes and gravy, ham, green beans, relishes, French bread, dessert and drinks. Guests who wish to do so may bring desserts and salads. Cash donations will be accepted, but the organizers emphasize that the meal is free to all. Canned and other goods (including soaps, detergents, and paper products) for the area food banks are strongly encouraged.
Meals will be delivered to area shut-ins, as well. Persons requesting this service should call Carol Bingle at 620-279-3015 with phone number and address.
Many organizations in Sterling, including the Boy and Girl Scouts, Rotary Club, Silver Threads, Presbyterian Manor, some SC cafeteria staff, area churches, and many individuals cooperate to provide the free meal. If you wish to volunteer, please call one of the contact persons.
People are encouraged to come and bring guests. It’s a time when Sterling College students who aren’t able to go home for the holidays and people who live alone have an opportunity to eat Thanksgiving dinner with others. Many people who come have made it an annual tradition.
Carol Bingle
Sterling annual Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner