Dear Editor,
I am a cancer survivor; cancer free for five years. Having experienced the dreaded diagnosis of “cancer” twice, I am writing in support of my Oncologist, Dr. Mark Fesen. I was referred to Dr. Fesen and found him to be thorough, compassionate, caring and a physician who provided an aggressive treatment plan which included chemo therapy, radiation, and a radiation implant. This treatment plan arrested my cancer. Dr. Fesen provided aftercare monitoring and when the cancer returned, was quick to refer me to the KU Medical Center where I underwent a radical complete pelvic exoneration. In addition to my cancer treatment, Dr. Fesen was instrumental in helping to secure a funding plan and continues to monitor my health with periodic exams and scans. It is noteworthy that the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts shows no record of medical malpractice lawsuits or disciplinary actions against Dr. Mark Fesen. I am certain all physicians make errors, but that certainly does not cancel all of the competent and correct directives they make. There is no doubt that the treatment plan, his amazing staff, along with prayers saved my life. I remain under his care and I do not hesitate to recommend Dr. Fesen as a competent Oncologist.
Shari Collins
Support for Dr. Fesen