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British college student Rhiannon Brooksbank-Jones, 19, recently had her tongue surgically lengthened just so she could better pronounce the Korean letter “L.”
London’s Daily Mail reported that the student had become fascinated with Korean culture and intends to live and work in South Korea eventually — and would need to speak like a native to succeed.
She is now satisfied that she does.
Foot nipple makes
international news   
The first published instance of a woman’s nipple appearing on the sole of her foot was noted in a 2006 report in the journal Dermatology and reprised in a series of U.S. and British press reports in July.
The reporting physicians, led by Dr. Delio Marques Conde, acknowledged that out-of-place breast tissue, while extremely rare, has shown up before on the back, shoulder, face and thigh.
The foot nipple was “well-formed,” with areola and sebaceous glands.
Cork-sniffin’ dog
is a great addition 
What took them so long to think of this?
“Most wineries rely on the human nose to detect out-of-place odors,” said the vintner of the Australian boutique wine Linnaea, “but that is time-consuming, costly, and nowhere as reliable as Belle.”
Miss Louisa Belle is a 7-year-old bloodhound possessing, of course, a nose that is reportedly 2,000 times more sensitive than the human nose.
Her primary job, the vintner told Melbourne’s Herald Sun, is to sniff out tainted corks during the bottling process.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to