Diane Schuler, with a 0.19 blood-alcohol reading (and marijuana in her system), drove the wrong way for two miles on a New York freeway, finally crashing into another car, killing three people and herself.
Her widower, Dave Schuler, filed a lawsuit against the state, alleging that the collision was the state’s fault for not posting signs warning motorists like Diane Schuler that they were going the wrong way.
Dave Schuler’s own private investigator told The Daily Cortlandt newspaper that he tried to discourage Schuler from filing the lawsuit, to no avail.
But some case
would make it
all better
“My client was devastated by what happened,” said the lawyer for Jean Pierre in announcing Pierre’s $80 million lawsuit against the city of Newburgh, N.Y.
Pierre’s estranged girlfriend had committed suicide by driving into a city lake, taking the couple’s three small children to their deaths, also.
In the time before he became devastated, Pierre had been arrested for failure to pay child support and for endangering one of his children — found wandering the street in freezing weather on a Super Bowl Sunday — and friends of his girlfriend told the New York Post that Pierre constantly abused her, including immediately before her final drive.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to www.newsoftheweird.com.)
It cant be her fault, you know