To the editor,
I have spent the afternoon sitting on my back porch thinking about the crisis in America and in the world. I am beyond angry; I am enraged. We have been betrayed by our own government and I, and probably most of you feel helpless to do anything about it. I think that anyone who thinks that the outrage that has just happened in Israel will not continue to happen on a larger scale in the United States is wearing blinders. There have probably been thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of terrorists that have crossed our open southern border in the last three years. Also, anyone who thinks our government, either Democrat or Republican will help us is equally misguided.
The top two priorities of most members in both political parties are to get rich as quickly as possible and to get re-elected. It is more or less an accident if anything positive happens.
The last three years under Democratic administration has been a disaster for America and for the world. Almost every decision made has been destructive, to the point that I believe that the Democratics have an organized agenda to destroy the United States and that is the difference between the two parties. The Republicans are only greedy, cowardly politicians, while the Democrats are our most deadly enemy.
We need to protect ourselves. Requiring every person, male and female to go into the military at age 18, as they do in Israel, might be a good first step, but I don’t believe anyone in our government has the courage to propose this. Perhaps protecting ourselves needs to start at the grassroots level.
Organizing a city militia in every city is another option; open to both male and female, carefully vetted, organized, trained and supervised by U.S. military personnel.
I used to believe that outside of hunting rifles and shotguns and a pistol for home protection, there was no reason for any private citizen to own an automatic rifle. I have changed my mind. I refuse to cower in a bedroom waiting for a pack of animals to cut off my head without a fight.
A big part of the downfall of our country is the refusal of major media to accurately report the reality of the day. Much of this is the result of the $ billions that George Soro has pumped into various media-related organizations to promote liberal causes. Another part is just the general cowardliness of medial outlets to go against the flow. I salute the ones who do. You have my undying respect.
I am sick of the greed, fear, cowardliness, apathy and entitlement that permeates our country. We need to do everything we can do to think for ourselves, look reality square in the eye and act as individuals to change the course of our country.
As I reread this, I don’t think it is nearly strong enough, but I am at a loss for words. I really fear that it is too late, our country is in a free fall that can’t be stopped and our future is dire. I grieve for my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Love and peace to all.
Don McCullough