The Topeka Capital Journal broke a story on Feb. 22, 2014 about U.S. Senate candidate Milton Wolf who is running against U.S. Senator Pat Roberts.
Wolf, who is a tea party favorite, posted x-rays on Facebook three years ago featuring dead or wounded people. They were taken down shortly thereafter.
“The gunshot victim, Wolf joked online, wasn’t going to complain about the awkward positioning of his head for an X-ray. In a separate Facebook comment, Wolf wrote that an X-ray of a man decapitated by gunfire resembled a wounded alien in a “Terminator” film and that the image offered evidence people “find beauty in different things,” according to the article by Tim Carpenter.
Wolf has since apologized, acknowledging the truth of the matter.
Facebook is called social media for a reason, and it was inappropriate to post the pictures.
Medical x-rays for study should only be available for medical professionals.
Teens and young adults are warned repeatedly about Facebook postings, and how inappropriate photos and activities recorded in a moment swirl around the Internet-forever.
X-rays of dead people do not belong on Facebook. Apparently, the act was not illegal, but ethically questionable.
Politics is not a game for the faint of heart. On his website,, Wolf acknowledges he is not a politician.
Perhaps Wolf should run for local office to gain experience before he throws his hat in the national arena.
Senatorial race