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Witt responds to writer who defended solar project
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To the editor:

I have read carefully the letter from Adiline Meir. I appreciate her interest and energy in writing this piece. (“Solar facility would be beneficial,” published in the May 18 Great Bend Tribune.) Since she mentions me by name, I will try to address some of her thoughts.

I hope she has documentation of “lower property taxes, cheaper electrical rates, and a reduced mill levy.” I would appreciate her dropping a note to Randy Deutsch at Town and Country in Hoisington and tell him how much it will lower his electrical rates and maybe keep him in business.

The wind farms and solar panels that are in place in Kansas at present don’t seem to have helped him very much. Maybe I just don’t understand. Can you guarantee that the power will be used locally? Nobody seems to have any facts about the production and use of this energy.

I have visited solar projects, contrary to your belief that I don’t travel. The one by Lindsborg has a huge fence and warning signs about the danger of electricity and warns everyone to stay out. I didn’t see any wildlife or cattle in the compound.

You are absolutely wrong about the lake effect. Do your homework.  

There is lots of trouble with recycling solar panels. They are mostly glass, and the amount of salvageable metal is negligible. They aren’t recycled; they go in landfills – forever. This has been a long-standing issue with the systems since they have to be replaced one or more times during the lifespan of the project. 

Please tell me exactly what misinformation I have given to these poor county commissioners. You seem to think they aren’t smart enough to appreciate the wisdom you are sharing. I think that your ice might be a bit thin because they are exceptionally wise people elected by you and your neighbors. I’m trying to think of any lies I have told them and I’m not coming up with much. I think they see right through me … 

I’m curious why you hate the word “farm”? I thought it was a fairly common word in Kansas. Tell me what word you want me to use and I will do my best. No promises – I know some farmers ….

I agree with your idea that the people should vote. Let us start with the petition that has about 1,500 signatures against this project in this spot. Do you have one with that many in favor of this project in this spot? The Governor, Wildlife and Parks, and the Wildlife Commissioners have muzzled their employees from discussing this project.  Why do you suppose that is????? Probably because they couldn’t get a favorable vote from the people.

If you moved this project one mile would your math and projections be the same? How about if you moved it 10 miles? All the good things you say will happen would happen in that location also. The only advantage to moving it like that would be to save the birds that the entire nation is following and protect the most precious marsh in Kansas from being spoiled. If you had solar panels in that location and a tornado hit, that material would contaminate miles of the Bottoms. Why take that chance? I saw what a tornado did in Hoisington.

I honestly think Acciona didn’t do their homework before starting this. I also think they are smart business people and realize that they picked a terrible spot for this project. I hope I get to attend their ribbon-cutting ceremony in another part of our county!

Dan Witt
