Kansas Grain Commodity Commissions announced they will begin accepting applications for candidates in central Kansas seeking a seat on one of the state’s five grain commodity commissions – corn, grain sorghum, soybeans, wheat and sunflowers.
To be eligible, candidates must have been actively engaged in growing corn, grain sorghum, soybeans, wheat or sunflowers within the preceding five years and must gather 20 signatures from eligible voters to be included on the 2014 ballot. No more than five signatures from any one county can be used to qualify a candidate. Eligible voters must be Kansas residents of legal voting age at the time of election and actively engaged in growing corn, grain sorghum, soybeans wheat or sunflowers within the last three years.
Applications must be filed with the Kansas Department of Agriculture by November 30, 2013. To obtain an application, candidates should contact the Kansas Department of Agriculture or the grain commodity commissions.
The 2014 election will cover central Kansas, districts four, five and six. Counties in district four include: Clay, Cloud, Jewell, Mitchell, Osborne, Ottawa, Phillips, Republic, Rooks, Smith and Washington counties. District five counties include: Barton, Dickinson, Ellis, Ellsworth, Lincoln, McPherson, Marion, Rice, Rush, Russell and Saline counties. District six counties include: Barber, Comanche, Edwards, Harper, Harvey, Kingman, Kiowa, Pawnee, Pratt, Reno, Sedgwick, Stafford and Sumner counties.
For more information about the Kansas Grain Commodity Commissions, visit each of their websites: Kansas Corn Commission, www.ksgrains.com/kcc; Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, www.ksgrainsorghum.org; Kansas Soybean Commission, www.kansassoybeans.org; Kansas Sunflower Commission, www.kssunflower.com; and Kansas Wheat Commission, www.kswheat.com
Kansas Grain Commodity Commissions open applications for commission candidates