Jennifer Carr, BT Co KSRE
It has been drilled into every farmers’ brain that you have to be diversified, you need to plant crops on a rotating basis, do this, do that. Well how do you know what the best options are?
Most producers read industry magazines to get ideas, watch what their neighbors do or ask their crop consultant. How about checking out what K-State Research and Extension has to offer for insight. K-State Research and Extension along with the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) is offering “Winter Canola Risk Management” schools: March 13 and 15.
This opportunity is for producers who would like to learn about the latest research on canola production in Kansas. The dates and locations for each school are:
• March 13 – McPherson, McPherson County Extension
• March 15 – Anthony, Bank of Anthony
Registration for each school begins at 8:30 a.m. with the program starting at 9 a.m. The program ends at approximately 2 p.m. Lunch will be provided at each location. To ensure adequate food and program materials are available, the organizers are requesting that participants pre-register approximately one week prior to the meeting by calling the appropriate Extension office.
Topics of discussion will include; variety selection, establishment strategies for Central Kansas, pest and disease updates, harvest risk management, and marketing. Researchers and specialists from K-State as well as Oklahoma State University Extension, and marketing groups such as the Great Plains Canola Association and ADM will also be on hand with information.
For more information about the canola schools and to preregister, call the McPherson County Extension office at 620-241-1523 or the Harper County Extension office at 620-842-5445. Interested producers can also call Canola breeder Mike Stamm at 785-532-3871 or email
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