The Barton County Conservation District will be holding their annual state cost-share sign-up May 16 through June 10. This is the perfect time to apply for funding assistance for completing conservation practices. Funding is approved by the Kansas State Conservation Commission through appropriations from the Kansas Water Fund.
If you are approved for cost-share funds the practice cannot begin until July 1. All practices must meet specifications set by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) or the Barton County Environmental Planning Group for installation to replace failed septic systems.
Non-Point Source Practices
Abandoned Water Well Plugging
On-Site Wastewater System-installation of failed septic systems to meet state and county codes.
Water Resources Practices
Waterways, new and reconstruction
New Terraces
Pasture/Hayland Planting
Range Planting
Critical Area Planting
Livestock Wells
If you are interested in applying for cost-share stop by our office at 1520 Kansas Ave., Great Bend or call us at 620-792-3346 ext. 3. Ask for Pam Tucker.
State Cost-share Sign-up to begin May 16