Willis and Theresa Bieberle will celebrate their 60th anniversary from 1 to 4 p.m. on Aug. 2 at St. Patrick’s Parish Center, 4100 Broadway in Great Bend. Hosts for the event will be their children, Mark Bieberle of Wichita, Robert Bieberle of Topeka and Mary Kay and Dave Lumadue of Pittsburgh, Pa. The couple has seven grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
Theresa Demel and Willis Bieberle were united in marriage on Aug. 2, 1955 in Odin. They have lived in Beaver, Okla. and now reside Great Bend.
Cards may be sent to 6012 Eisenhower, Great Bend, Ks. 67530.
Bieberle 60th