Bill and Delphine Hickey of Hoisington will celebrate their 50th anniversary with a reception from 2 to 4 p.m. on Aug. 27 at the next door south of the Tap Room in Hoisington. Hosts for the event will be their children, Dale Hickey of Ellis, Diane and Mike Harmon of Hoisington, Debbie and Stacy Reed and Dorothy and Alan Schwartz of Burlington; their 10 grandchildren; and great-granddaughter.
Bill Hickey and Delphine Polzin were united in marriage on Aug. 26, 1961 at St. Catherines Church in Dubuque.
Cards may be sent to 328 NW 100 Road, Hoisington, KS 67544.
The couple requests no gifts.
Hickey 50th