Preceptor Pi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met Nov. 15 at the home of Cindy Meitler, who also served as co-hostess and presented the program. President Janis Link led the meeting.
Meitler gave the program on “Candies for the Holidays.” Candies have always been a special part of the holidays and some of them have been around for centuries, she said. She presented histories of nine different holiday candies and provided samples of each for the members. Candies featured in the program included sweetheart candies for Valentine’s Day; the hollow chocolate bunnies for Easter; Peeps, an Easter candy now being made for other holidays as well; jelly beans with Jelly Bellies being the most popular in 50 flavors; salt water taffy; licorice; lollipops; candy corn for Halloween and Thanksgiving; and candy canes for Christmas.
Janice Walker, service chair, collected foods for the Thanksgiving basket the chapter will present to the Daniel R. Trickey Life Giving Center. Walker also collected items from members for the Food Bank.
Susan Brown, social chair, said 23 members and their guests were planning to attend the chapter’s catered Thanksgiving meal set for 6:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18, at First Christian Church.
The next meeting of Preceptor Pi is set for 7 p.m. Dec. 6 at the home of Lois Johnson, who also will serve as co-hostess and present the program.
Preceptor Pi has program on Candies for the Holidays