The Progress Club met on May 5, at Barton Community College for luncheon and a tour of the newly renovated Fine Arts Auditorium and the Resource Center. Judy Fox presided in the absence of Norma Ward. Judy opened the meeting with a prayer and introduced Darnell Holopirek, Executive Director of Institutional Advancement who was the guide for the afternoon. Following luncheon, Darnell gave an overview of the history of the Fine Arts Auditorium and the need for remodeling it to be more current and useful to its patrons. Extensive work was accomplished bringing all the proposals to fruition. Members were given a tour of the facility including metal sculptures, updated display cases, and a new donor wall. A tour of the Shafer Gallery and Resource Center completed the meeting. The next meeting will be held at 1:15 p.m. on Oct. 6, at the home of Kathy Schugart.
Progress Club