Fred enjoys food. He eats until he is full. He leaves food on his plate. He seldom snacks between meals, meaning, he doesn’t pick between mealtimes. Food doesn’t beckon to him, “Come, taste me. Just a nibble.” However, I don’t function that way.
Since we just celebrated Easter, most of us are in my camp.
We just returned from a short six-day trip. It’s a darn good thing the trip wasn’t any longer, or no one back home would have recognized me when I rolled off the plane. We ate during meals, between meals, whenever we got together with friends and relatives. I found myself overly full as a result. Even when our group gathered for the next meal, I still joined them at the trough.
Just how resistant are we to food placed within our grasp?
I decided to poll my Facebook friends, asking “Which kinds of foods are totally beyond your reasonable control to resist if sitting in front of you” or “Which foods do you never make because you know you will eat the entire batch?”
How much control do we have? Not much. See if you identify.
Lorrie: “Pizza! I will eat it all.”
“Russell Stover chocolates,” replied Harlie. His wife, Paula answered, “Fudge and caramels.” Seems that they have a marriage that’s very compatible!
Anna answered, “potato chips,” but she says as she gets older, she likes everything.
Vicki, “Mint Girl Scout cookies, I cannot resist! And I do not make desserts very often because I will eat it all.” Me too, Vicki. If it’s not in the house, I am safe.
June keeps her cupboards bare so that she won’t be tempted with chips, cookies, etc. And if she has some goodies in the freezer, she and hubby eat them frozen. Her temptation? “Potato chips, potato chips.”
Sandra K. answered, “Tater chips and homemade cookies.”
Tricia. “Ice cream. And I avoid making caramels at Christmas because I can’t leave them alone.”
Vicki again. (She really got into this subject. A gal after my own heart.) “Multi-grain Cheerios and chocolate ice cream is awesome!”
Carolyn. “Dark chocolate.”
Anyone here tempted by real food?
Roy. “Chicken noodles and mashed potatoes.” Would that be called “comfort food?”
Jean P. “Turkey and stuffing.”
Don, answered, “Lobster.” Brian, confessed, “Deviled eggs.”
Bud, Hamburger and french fries.
Me. Everything.
We all obviously fit the norm, according to the polls of the top 10 most mouth-watering, satisfying foods that one can eat. Pizza, chocolate, ice cream, lead the pack. Macaroni and cheese is a runner-up, the most delicious food preferred by kids and adults alike.
There! I feel better knowing I am not the only one who can’t resist when tempted with some foods. June is right. Don’t buy it or keep it in the house. Or buy it, I say, and eat it on the way home, right?
Judi Tabler lives in Pawnee County and is a guest columnist for the Great Bend Tribune. She can be reached at