The Great Bend City Council Monday night dealt with items from events that draw people downtown to helping an organization that serves victims of domestic violence. The council:
• Adopted a resolutions authorizing the city to host the Art and Wine Walk May 6 and for the 17 downtown retail businesses who participate in the Art and Wine Walk on May 6 to serve complimentary alcohol liquor and/or cereal malt beverages on their premises. The purpose of the event is to promote the arts and create retail awareness.
“Last year’s Downtown Art & Wine Walk was a huge success,” said Community Coordinator Christina Hayes said “We are ready to create a fun and friendly event again with Downtown Stores and local artists on Friday, May 6, 2016.”
This is an event that is self-sufficient because of the help of the participating stores, she said. They purchase and provide the wine and food samples, however the State of Kansas changed the rules slightly on “Events that Promote the Arts” therefore, we need to fill out forms so they are able to serve Free alcoholic beverages.
Within this process, a council must approve the event by ordinance or resolution. The resolutions are required to accompany the notification to the state.
• Authorized the city to support, sponsor and sign the Family Crisis Center’s Kansas Emergency Solutions Grant application with a budget of $95,393, with the understanding there is no financial contribution from the city. The grant is administered by the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation, but it must go through a local governmental entity.
The center’ Director Laura Patzner requested the support, which was also approved last year. The majority of the funds will go to personnel, fringe benefits and shelter operations.
The center had gone through the County Commission for this funding. However, In early July of 2015, Patzner told of the possible loss of $76,388 in grant funds, or about 10 percent of the center’s Domestic and Sexual Violence Center budget, due to problems with Barton County’s 2013 audit originating in the Treasurer’s Office. These problems prompted the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation to deny the grant for this year.
She came to the council asking for help, asking if it would authorize the city to be sponsoring grantee in lieu of the county. Noting the money only flows through the city, the council was glad to oblige.
The total last year was The $56,486, which was less than requested.
This year’s amount is a little more than normal to help make up for some of the $12,000 not received last year.
• Authorized Mayor Mike Allison to sign the Federal Fund Exchange Master Agreement with the Kansas Department of Transportation to allow the city to receive $169,501.70 in KDOT funds.
The money to be exchanged this year is $188,335.52 in federal funds. The agreement allows this money to flow through the state which keeps 10 percent of it.
The advantage being that there are fewer strings attached to how it is spent when it comes to the city from the state.
• Authorized Mayor Mike Allison to sign the concession lease for the Great Bend Sports Complex with Roger Ward. This lease is the same as the one approved last year.
• Authorized the classes of 1991 and 1996 to be in Jack Kilby Square until midnight on Sept. 3. The former students who graduated in 1991 and 1996 wish to hold events in the square on Labor Day weekend, Community Coordinator Christina Hayes said.
• Approved an abatement at 1401 9th St., owned by Ronda S. Atteberry, for accumulation of refuse.