Birthright will be running a concession stand at the Barton County Fair in Expo I starting Wednesday, July 5, and continuing through Saturday.
Hours will be 4-10 p.m. Wednesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, July 8.
The public is invited to support a national movement by helping Birthright start a diaper bank that can help supply diapers to mothers of infants.
Mothers with low income are unable to afford to change their infants’ diapers as often as needed due to the cost, sponsors said. Infrequent diaper changing leads to more rashes and infections.
Birthright would like to safeguard one of the most basic needs of all babies and their families, access to clean dry diapers.
“Fair access to clean diapers improves the physical, mental and economic well-being of babies, families and communities,” sponsors said. Fair goers can support the cause by purchasing items from Birthright’s concession stand and/or by donating diapers or money for the purchase of diapers.
For questions about the diaper bank or to donate, call 620-792-3316. Leave a message if no one answers the phone and your call will be returned.
Birthright concession stands will help moms
Diaper donations accepted at fair