In conjunction with the upcoming traveling Smithsonian exhibit, “The Way We Worked”, the Coronado Quivira Museum is hosting an exhibit tentatively titled Essential Elements: Salt Mining in Rice County. They want to know if you have any artifacts you wish to submit for inclusion in the exhibit.
The brand new exhibit is being custom designed around the artifacts that it will display. The Coronado Quivira Museum has numerous photographs and other archival records for the exhibit, but want to showcase three diminsional items as well. Family heirlooms related to salt mining in Rice County could be an important piece of this display.
All items will be evaluated, measured and photographed for consideration by the Museum Director and exhibit design team. If an item is selected for inclusion, the museum will walk you through the loaning process. All items loaned for the exhibit will be returned to their owners when the exhibit closes.
Submission deadline is fast approaching. Call the museum at (620)257-3941 during regular business hours (Tuesday-Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.) to book an appointment to have items evaluated. The last day for consideration is Thursday, Feb. 23rd. Call today to schedule your appointment.
Call for artifacts: Essential Elements exhibit