Monday nights city council meeting had an outpouring of citizens wanting answers. Now, the City of Great Bend staff would like to try to Paula Daniels’ suggestion of providing an email opportunity where citizens could email in questions.
The city website has a Request Tracker, where citizens can report concerns or let staff know about city issues such as street lights out, leaking storm drain, graffiti and many other community issues. In order to receive these questions fairly, city staff has set up a tracker just to help answer community questions.
This tracker can be found at or by going to the city website and clicking on Report a Concern, then click on General Questions to fill out the form. Staff will do their best to answer the questions and post answers publicly on the city website at
For More information, call Great Bend City Hall at 620-793-4111. Questions will only be taken if submitted through the online request tracker and all vulgar and crude language will not be answered.