RUSSELL — The Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission conducted a Public Hearing at their November meeting on Nov. 15 to hear recommendations on park fees and fishing regulations. The meeting agenda, briefing and a recorded video of the proceedings can be found at, under KDWPT Commission.
In response to rising utility costs, commissioners approved a staff recommendation to increase recreational vehicle seasonal (long-term) camping permit fees by $150 per month at five state parks (Clinton, Milford, Sand Hills, Tuttle Creek and El Dorado) and $100 per month at most others (KAR 115-2-3). Commissioners also approved repealing the regulation requiring a Trail Access Pass (KAR 115-2-5), which will allow access of the Prairie Spirit Trail without a permit. Visit, “State Parks” for a complete listing of state park fees.
In other business, the Commission approved an amendment to the regulation governing the take and use of baitfish or minnows, increasing the maximum mesh size on dip or cast nets used to catch baitfish to 1 inch (KAR 1150-7-3). Common carp and koi were removed from the list of live species allowed to be sold for bait (KAR 115-17-2), and finally the marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis) was added to the list of species that may not be imported or possessed (KAR 115-18-10).
The next meeting of the Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission is scheduled for Dec. 13 at the Great Plains Nature Center, 6232 E 29th St. N, in Wichita. The afternoon session will be begin at 1:30 p.m. and the public hearing will begin at 6:30 p.m. Items to be voted on at the December public hearing include setting Free Park Entrance an Free Fishing Days; establishing a Back-country Access Pass; fishing regulations, including methods of take, possession, and creel and length limits for various water bodies; the fall turkey season, bag limits and permits; and the spring turkey season, bag limit, permits and game tags.