According to the Barton County Sheriff’s Office. In February they conducted verification of the location of registered sex and violent offenders in Barton County.
Beginning March 8, Sheriff’s officers are contacting registered drug offenders within the county.
“This effort is being put forth to ensure registered drug offenders are compliant with the terms as set out by Kansas law and the District Court,” Barton County Sheriff Brian Bellendir said.
Sheriff’s Deputies will be contacting registered offenders to confirm their resident status. If a registered offender is found not to be compliant or if we are unable to locate them, a criminal case will be filed with the Barton County Attorney’s Office for prosecution.
The Sheriff’s Office conducts this activity to assure accuracy of the state’s database as well as the Sheriff’s Office “Offender Watch ” software.
The information contained in the Offender Watch database is available to the public through the Barton County website.
Citizens can check the website and see if registered offenders are living in their area.
This is a continuing service of the Barton County Sheriff’s Office to keep the public informed of valuable and accurate information.
Drug offender check