Duck hunting season begins on Oct. 8 for the Low Plains Early Zone. Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area offers premier waterfowl hunting opportunities and the traditions that go with those hunts. In what has become a new tradition over the last four years, duck hunters are invited to stop by the Kansas Wetlands Education Center, located at the southeast corner of Cheyenne Bottoms along K-156 Highway, after their hunt from 8 to 11 a.m .on Oct. 8 for a free Hunter Appreciation Breakfast. Biscuits and gravy, coffee, and juice will be served.
“Hunters are an important constituent for the past, present, and future of Cheyenne Bottoms,” stated Curtis Wolf, KWEC site manager. “It is great to be able to celebrate this tradition.”
The free breakfast is sponsored by Great Bend Regional Hospital, and the event is organized by the Kansas Wetlands Education Center, Kansas Department of Wildlife Parks & Tourism, and Ducks Unlimited.
After filling up on good eats, hunters can learn about Cheyenne Bottoms’s history at the education center, peruse through items in the Cheyenne Bottoms Ducks Unlimited Chapter raffle and silent auction, visit waterfowl identification and hunting information booths, as well as share hunting stories with fellow hunters and KDWPT staff. Hunters can also get their waterfowl boats inspected for safety for free by KDWPT’s Boater Education staff. New at this year’s event will be an opportunity for friendly shooting competitions with KDWPT’s Hunter Education Laser Shot game.
For more information about the breakfast, call the KWEC at 877-243-9268.
Duck hunters celebrated at KWEC Hunter Appreciation Breakfast