Monday, Sept. 20, has been named the International Day of Prayer for Peace. Locally, the Dominican Sisters of Peace, along with Heartland Center for Spirituality, will sponsor an ecumenical prayer service at 6:30 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Park, Great Bend.
Ann Axman at the Heartland Center for Spirituality said everyone is welcome, and various religious leaders from the community will give leadership during the service.
"We invite you to join this gathering to pray for the peace and well being of our community and world," Axman said."Our purpose is to deepen our commitment to a peaceful and hopeful future for God’s world, and to pray and sing together, lifting up various needs of our local and world community.
"Come and renew your hope for a world of peace."
Axman said people who attend are welcome to bring lawn chairs if they wish to sit. In case of inclement weather, the service will be held at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Parish Center, 4100 Broadway Ave.