Barton Community College’s Steinway grand piano was recently returned to its home in the Dorothy Moses Morrison Chapel on campus after spending almost a year in New York City being totally refurbished at the Steinway Company. It once again graces the stage in the chapel. The project was made possible by a grant from the Dorothy Morrison Foundation.
In addition, the grant funded one seven-foot Acoustic Grand piano for the stage of the Fine Arts Auditorium; and one Yamaha Hybrid Grand for performances held in the Shafer Gallery as well as replacing all the digital pianos for the piano labs in the music department.
“Steinway pianos have long been considered the pinnacle of instruments for excellence in tone, quality and resonance,” said Executive Director of Institutional Advancement Coleen Cape. “Barton Community College is extremely fortunate to boast the ownership of such a valuable and sought-after musical treasure.”
All of the other new pianos in the Barton Fine Arts Building affect a wide range of people in a variety of ways. From the piano classes the music majors and minors need for their degrees to the piano classes for Barton students just wanting to learn more about music, these new pianos will assist student learning through new recording advancements and midi capabilities.
“The Barton Music Department is thrilled beyond their highest dreams thanks to the Barton Piano Project funded by the Dorothy M. Morrison Foundation through the Barton Foundation,” said piano instructor Karole Erikson.
Cape said the foundation is grateful for the generosity of the Dorothy Morrison Foundation.
“It is hard to imagine any gift that could possibly have such far-reaching outcomes as this one,” Cape said. “The piano project will benefit not only the faculty and staff at Barton but members of the communities we serve who attend any vocal or instrumental event at Barton Community College.”