School Zones
According to Great Bend Superintendent Mike Crawford, the school zone lights will flash at the following times.
•Unified school district 428 lights will start flashing on Monday, Aug. 17 when school starts - 7:30-8:05 a.m., and at 3-3:30 p.m. This includes Great Bend High School, Great Bend Middle School, Eisenhower, Jefferson, Lincoln, Riley, and Park elementary schools.
Head Start:
•Washington Early Childhood Education Center, lights will flash at 7:30-8:05 a.m., 11:20-11:50 a.m., and at 3-3:30 p.m.
Private Schools:
• Holy Family School (classes start Thursday, Aug. 19) – 7:30-8:05 a.m. and at 3:15-3:30 p.m.
• Central Kansas Christian Academy (classes start Thursday, Aug. 19) – 7:40-8:25 a.m., and at 3:15-3:45 p.m.
Back to school is upon us, with this brings flashing yellow lights around town. It also means drivers need to be aware of students crossing the streets in those designated school zones.
“We want parents, students and the community to get into the mind-set that school is starting soon and to be vigilant,” USD 428 Superintendent Brad Reed said.
The lighted school zone warning signals will be turned on Aug. 17, for many of the schools in Great Bend for the 2015-2016 school year.
These school zones are designed to keep students safe as they cross the streets to attend school. With this brings stiffer fines if you are caught speeding or breaking other traffic laws in the 20-mile-per-hour-zone.
“The fines in school zones are almost doubled for disobeying the laws,” Capt. Bob Robinson of the Great Bend Police Department said. “We will have officers at the school zones as well.”
This time of the year also brings more foot traffic, and bicycle traffic from students going to and from school, as well as parents dropping their children off at school and picking them back up. Schools can get very crowded at these times so extra precaution is recommended.
“We want people to be alert and to pay attention to the crossing guards when they use the pedestrian lights, other traffic which can cause hazards, and to slow down while in school zones,” Robinson said.
Crossing guards will again be on duty. If anyone is interested in becoming a crossing guard, applications can be picked up at the Great Bend Police Department or call Capt. Robinson for more details at 620-793-4120.