The Barton County Sheriff’s Office handled injury accidents Saturday afternoon and early Sunday.
At 1:07 p.m. Saturday, a Ford Mustang and a Toyota 4 Runner collided near the sports complex at Second and McKinley, south of Great Bend. One vehicle was northbound on South McKinley and the other was southbound when it turned left, in front of the first vehicle, going into a parking lot. The northbound vehicle hit the other vehicle on the passenger side. The northbound vehicle was towed and the driver was taken to Great Bend Regional Hospital by Great Bend Emergency Medical Service. The second driver was cited for failure to yield. The vehicle was on private property and so it was not immediately towed; the driver was taken to the hospital by private vehicle.
The accident report with names of the drivers was not available Monday afternoon.
At 2:13 a.m. Sunday, Brenda Guerra, 24, was ejected from a vehicle in a one-vehicle accident on SE 60 Ave. and SE 20 Road. The accident report was not available, but the BCSO log notes her vehicle went into a ditch and went into a side skid, overturning and landing on its top.
A spokesman for GBRH said Guerra’s last known condition was serious and she has been transferred to another hospital.
Injury accidents reported