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Kans for Kids Radiothon deemed a success
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A recent radiothon for Kans for Kids Fighting Center Foundation Inc. has netted over $39,000, a record for the non-profit organization’s 18-year history, directors Duane and Debbie Reif, Hoisington, report.The 2012 Kans for Kids Radiothon with Eagle Radio was held April 20, with Kans for Kids’ 12-member board of directors at the station accepting pledges, and live-remote broadcasts streaming from four of the locations around Barton County where Kans for Kids can receptacles are located.“The generosity of all those who donated both cash and cans is absolutely overwhelming,” Debbie Reif said. “When we think about the humble beginnings of Kans for Kids, we know that this organization has been richly blessed by God for it to grow and thrive like it has these past few years. We are grateful for each and every contribution.“People were dropping off cans and cash all afternoon at those four locations,” Reif said.