Kansas vehicle customers will be able to renew their tags online on the last day of the month without worry of a ticket for expired car registration.
Starting July 1, drivers who have renewed online at KSWebTags.org will have a 10 day grace period from the day their tags expire to receive the new decal in the mail.
Customers will be able to print and carry the online renewal paid receipt in their vehicle until the decal arrives or save the confirmation receipt on their mobile device. Either will serve as proof to law enforcement that the customer has renewed their registration and are waiting for the decal to arrive.
The grace period will not apply to those who renewed by mail. It also does not apply to those who do not complete their registration before their tags expire, which occurs on the last day of each month.
The Division of Vehicles proposed the change to address concerns from county treasurers about long lines that consistently form in offices statewide at the end of each month.
“People who wait until the last days of the month currently must go into an office and stand in line to receive their decal before the end of the month or risk getting a ticket before their new decal arrives after renewing online,” said Director of Vehicles Lisa Kaspar. “This will allow customers to renew online instead of in person right up until the last day of the month.”
Kansas creates a 10-day grace period for online vehicle tag renewals