Members of the Great Bend Kiwanis Club are selling tickets for the 60th annual Kiwanis Pancake Day, which will be Thursday, March 2. Pancakes and sausage will be served from 4-7:30 p.m. at Expo I west of Great Bend. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Purchase of tickets makes it possible for the club to sponsor youth activities and help others in the community. Great Bend Kiwanis President Barb Esfeld said some of the 2016 sponsorships were: Sunflower Aktion Club, Rosewood Aktion Club, Barton County Spelling Bee, Barton Community College scholarships, Christmas baskets for the needy, Easter egg hunt, Great Bend Jazz Festival, Great Bend High School Madrigal Singers, Halloween costume drive and parade, Kiwanis International’s Eliminate Disease projects and Vets Park Fit Trail. The club also contributed to the purchase of Tot Spot playground equipment in 2015.
Kiwanis club gears up for Pancake Day