The Prince of Peace Altar Society’s Fall Kolache Bake & Take will be Friday, Oct. 9. Only 400 pans of kolaches and cinnamon rolls will be baked, so orders should be placed now.
Cost is $7 for a pan of six rolls. No mixed pans will be offered this year. The varieties are: cherry, apricot, peach, apple, cream cheese, and poppy seed kolaches, or cinnamon rolls with or without raisins.
To place an order call Kathy Chacon, 620-793-3679. If you leave a message, she will call you back to confirm your order.
The rolls can be picked up at 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 9, at St. Rose Auditorium, 1412 Baker Ave.
Kolache sales limited to 400 pans for next Bake & Take