LARNED — After review of the City of Larned’s policies and guidelines for the city’s diversion program, City Attorney Ron Smith drafted a short correction and submitted it to City Manager Brad Eilts for presentation to city council members.
The correction involved costs charged for diversions and eliminated two items, one for “alcohol or drug related offenses” and another for “serious traffic offenses.” According to Smith’s letter, current and former city attorneys have not granted diversions for either since 2003, when Ordinance 2.21.030 was created.
“This ordinance for the City of Larned simply brings the costs of diversions to equal the current method of payments. It further explains that diversions are not granted by the city attorney for serious traffic offenses such as driving while impaired, reckless driving, or eluding police officers. Those offenses are usually filed in the county district court,” Smith wrote.
The draft correction was included in the consent agenda Monday night. With council approval, Ordinance 2.21.030 was repealed. The new policy paper is provided along with a diversion application to applicants. Other stipulations are included, and can be viewed at the city offices at any time during office hours. Call the City Clerk at 620-285-2800.