The Great Bend Public Library was closed on Tuesday and Wednesday due to problems with the air conditioning.
Earlier this year, GBPL Director Maribeth Shafer told the Great Bend City Council that the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system needed some work. The library was closed from June 29 through July 3 due to the HVAC shutting down and needing repairs.
Shafer gave an update on that shutdown at the July 15 City Council meeting.
“And at that point, we thought we would have to do some major work on the heat exchanger,” she said in July. “The good news is, the following day, on Tuesday, July 2, I was able to work with a diagnostician and we were able to get it working without having to fix or replace the very expensive heat exchanger. So wonderful news. I’m getting quotes to flush out the heat exchanger, just for some regular routine maintenance and to make sure it’s running properly.”
After the latest shutdown, library staff announced they hope to reopen Thursday.
The notices posted on the front door of the library remind readers that the library service Libby is open 24/7 at