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Lions promote health at State Fair
loc slt Lions StFair
Lions Club and Hutch Community College Nursing students are shown at the clubs Kansas State Fair booth. Pictured are, from left: Joanna Crawford, student; Jim Huenergarde, Lions member of Hays; Reland Cole, Lions member of Great Bend; and students Adam Walker, Jamie Gathje, Christy Shaw and Matt Dobbeleare.

At the final day of the Kansas State fair on Sunday, Sept. 20,  the Lions Screening mobile Unit saw 294 people who were screened for issues in hearing, blood pressure, glucose, pedia-vision and adult eye screening. The screening was free to the public, and helped inform the tested individuals of  possible issues that were detected by the screening mobile unit.
The Kansas Lions Clubs join forces to make this possible to the public every year at the Kansas State Fair. The Lions acknowledged the students of the Hutchinson Community College Nursing Program, who helped with the screenings.