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List of priests with allegations
icy main Jan. 2020
Ice on Main Street Great Bend, Friday, Jan. 17, 2020. - photo by Daniel Kiewel

The Dodge City Diocese has published the following list of priests with substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor by a member of the clergy or a seminarian. The findings have been shared with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.

Five priests had allegations within the Dodge City Diocese and five more worked in the diocese but had allegations outside of it. Two seminarians are also on the list.

Donald Fiedler (not permitted to function as a priest since 2007)

Ordained for the Wichita Diocese May 1959; became a priest of Dodge City Diocese August 1964. Served in the Dodge City Diocese September 1961- January 1988: St. Rose, Great Bend; St. Joan of Arc, Elkhart; St. Helen, Hugoton; St. Alphonsus, Satanta; St. Dominic, Garden City; Mary, Queen of Peace, Ulysses.

Allegations arising from incidents in the Diocese of Dodge City in the mid-1980s. Allegations determined substantiated.

John Haberthier (deceased)

Ordained for the Wichita Diocese May 1948. He became a priest of the Dodge City Diocese when it became a diocese in 1951.

Served in the Dodge City Diocese August 1950-December 1973: Sacred Heart Church/Cathedral, Dodge City; St. Rose Hospital, Great Bend; St. Theresa, Dighton; St. Michael, LaCrosse; St. Timothy, Satanta; Bob Wilson Hospital, Ulysses; Immaculate Heart of Mary, Windthorst; St. Patrick, Plains.

Served in the Pueblo Diocese in Colorado November 1973-July 1977 and in the San Bernardino Diocese in California April 1979- 1987.

Allegations arising in the Dodge City Diocese and the Pueblo Diocese for incidents in the late 1960s through the mid-1970s determined to be substantiated and public announcements were made in the Dodge City Diocese in December 2006.

Augustine Hanchak, CPPS (deceased)

A member of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. Served in the Dodge City Diocese August 1963-August 1965 at St. Mary, Garden City.

Recent allegations arising in the Dodge City Diocese for incidents in the 1960s have been reported and determined substantiated.

Cletus (“Jerry”) Stein (no longer a priest)

Ordained for the Dodge City Diocese December 1966. Served in the Dodge City Diocese August 1967-September 1972 and April 1975-June 1987: St. Joseph, Ellinwood; Sacred Heart, Pratt; St. John, Hoisington; Sacred Heart Cathedral, Dodge City; St. Rose, Great Bend; St. Joseph, Greensburg; St. George, Bucklin; St. Alphonsus, Satanta; St. Mary of the Plains College, Dodge City.

Served in the Archdiocese of Denver Sept. 1972-July 1974.

Served in the Diocese of Amarillo beginning July 1987 and became a priest of Amarillo in 1993.

Allegations determined substantiated.

Edward Young (deceased)

Ordained for the Dodge City Diocese May 1953. Served in the Dodge City Diocese June 1953-August 1970: Sacred Heart Cathedral, Dodge City; Sacred Heart, Pratt; St. John the Evangelist, Hoisington; Dominican Convent, Great Bend; St. Rose Hospital, Great Bend; St. Rose Parish, Great Bend; St. Helen, Hugoton; St. Timothy, Satanta. He became a priest of the Sioux City Diocese in 1974.

Allegations arising in the Dodge City Diocese in the late 1950s-early 1960s. Allegations determined substantiated.

Priests who worked in the diocese but had allegations outside of it:

Orestes Huerta (priest of the Diocese of Boac, Philippines)

Mario Islas (no longer a priest)

Richard Kolega, CPPS (deceased)

Donald Straub (no longer a priest)

Joseph Thiesen (deceased) - He was ordained a priest for the New York Archdiocese in May 1953 and served in the Dodge City Diocese October 1988-May 1989 at the Dominican Convent and Central Kansas Medical Center in Great Bend. He is on the “list of credible accusations” for the New York Archdiocese. No allegations were received from his time in the Dodge City Diocese.

Dodge City Diocesan Seminarians

Heleodoro (“Leo”) de Hoyos

Joel McClure - Dodge City Diocese cooperated with law enforcement and public announcements were made in the Dodge City Diocese August 2015. Due to law enforcement investigation and with the cooperation of the Diocese of Dodge City, he was dismissed as a seminarian in August 2015. He pleaded guilty in federal court to one count of transportation of child pornography in March 2016.

Salina Diocese

Other Kansas dioceses have also released lists. The Salina Diocese published a list back on March 29 of substantiated allegations for diocesan clergy of sexual abuse of a minor.  Those who served in the Golden Belt included:

Roger Hough (1936-2009), accused of one allegation from the time frame of 2001-2002 and removed from ministry in 2005. He was ordered by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome to live a life of prayer and penance. He had many pastoral assignments, including St. Mary, Holyrood.

Louis Mattas (1928-2011), accused of more than one allegation, estimated time frame mid 1960s and early 1980s, reported in 2005 and 2007. The 2005 allegation was unable to be proven; the 2007 allegation was substantiated. Father Mattas was ordered by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome to live a life of prayer and penance. His many pastoral assignments included St. Mary, Russell; St. Ignatius Loyola, Kanopolis; and St. Mary, Holyrood.

If you suspect abuse

If you suspect abuse or neglect of a child in Kansas and the child is in immediate danger, call 911 or local law enforcement.

If you have suspicion a child is being abused or neglected, make a confidential report to Kansas Department for Children and Families Protection Report Center, 800-922-5330 or to the KBI Hotline, 800-KSCRIME (800-572-7463), or by emailing

If you suspect sexual abuse by Church personnel, in addition to making a report to the proper civil authorities, the diocese asks that you contact Charles Befort, the diocesan Review Board representative who receives and follows up on reports. His contact information is, 620-285-3219. In addition, Befort will offer the help of the Assistance Minister whose goal is to be a listening ear and to promote healing.