LARNED — The regular monthly meeting of the Welcome Inn Leisure Center Inc. was called to order at 12:45 p.m. June 1 by President Charles Wonsetler.
In addition to Wonsetler, the following board members were present: Betty Tauscher, secretary; Thelmarie Wilhite, historian; Roger Haberman, reporter; Marylee Phinney, vice president; and Jim Forrest, treasurer. Also present was Bobbie Sharrock. Absent was Ernie Ashley, financial secretary.
Jim Forrest gave the treasurer’s report. All bills were allowed.
There was some discussion about the garage and bake sales scheduled June 4. Assignments have been made and everything seems to be ready. Issues with the roof were also discussed, with monies being the major concern.
We will have the someone talk to us from a bidding roofing firm as well as an individual who will write a proposal for a grant to help pay for part of the roofing cost.
The next carry-in dinner is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. Sunday, June 12 with Thelmarie Wilhite being the host.
The dinner held May 8 was hosted by Valeta Milhon and Roger Haberman, and there was a very good turnout. Baked potatoes and toppings were furnished by Betty Tauscher, Bobbie Sharrock, Mona Marie Wysong and Wonsetler. Others attending, brought salads, vegetables and desserts.
The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for about 12:45 p.m. July 6.
Welcome Inn holds meeting