Sale scheduled Friday
LARNED — The Larned State Hospital Endowment Association will sponsor its quarterly Everything $6 fundraising jewelry and personal accessories sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday at the LSH auditorium near the center of the LSH grounds.
Sale proceeds benefit the LSH Endowment Association. The LSH Endowment Association has the mission of enhancing patient care at Larned State Hospital. For information, contact Brenda West Hagerman, 620/285-4595.
Coffee scheduled Friday
LARNED — First State Bank & Trust Company, 116 W. 6th, will celebrate 117 years in business at 9:30 a.m. Friday. Cake and punch will be served at the bank.
Quilting Bees meet
LARNED — The Quilting Bees Guild met Tuesday in the fellowship hall of the First Presbyterian Church.
President Colleen Wolf said the Barton County Fair “Celebrate Wheat” quilt block contest is due by July 10. For additional information contact Judy Burnette at 620-793-6766.
Diann Morell is teaching a basic sewing class to children at the Jordann Library on Mondays during the month of June.
The free Quilter’s Celebration sponsored by the guild is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 22 at First Presbyterian Church. Please enter at the northwest door next to the back parking lot. Gina Janes of Hannibal, Mo. will speak in the afternoon. Activities include a Peddler’s Corner, potluck lunch, Opportunity Quilt, door prizes, free magazines, and snacks.
Mary Weber demonstrated the “Friendship Runner” and distributed directions which included a pattern for a template. The next meeting will be June 18 and the fat quarter drawing will be on Father’s Day.
Show and Tell participants were Rita Schaller, “Twister” table topper using 5 inch charms in bold colors; Mary Weber, a prayer quilt for Jennifer Sage of Alaska; Darby Eakin, tea towels with printed characters using pastel fabric crayons; Karen Hadley, “Snowmen” wall hanging in blues. Others shared ideas for quilts, notions, patterns and fabrics.
The quild membership is open to anyone interested in quilting, general sewing, and fellowship. Interested persons may call the church at 620-285-6033 and ask for a quilter.
Larned Briefs