LARNED — Three public events are scheduled at Pawnee Valley Community Hospital, 923 Carroll Avenue.
• Pawnee Valley Sleep and Diagnostic Center will sponsor a free sleep apnea awareness clinic from 5-6 p.m. Thursday at Pawnee Valley Community Hospital.
Renae Skelton, special nursing, will talk about the importance of your quality of sleep for healing properties. Sleep apnea patients, families and friends are invited to attend.
• Angela Meitner, certified in lymphedema therapy, will talk about lymphedema, what is it, are you at risk, symptoms and treatment when the Pawnee Valley Community Hospital Foundation sponsors Ask The Expert from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Monday during Coffee Chat at Pawnee Valley.
Coffee Chat is scheduled on Monday and is an opportunity for community members to gather together over free coffee and treats while sharing fellowship and conversation. The public is invited.
• A free diabetes education class is scheduled from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. May 21. Topics covered included general diabetes information, meter use, medication, foot care, treating hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, meal planning and carb counting.
RSVP by May 20 by calling 785-623-5503 or 785-623-2377, or please leave a message.
Pawnee Valley Hospital schedules events
Sleep apnea clinic scheduled Thursday