Activities Week Of Feb 6 - 12
Paraffin Spa - Monday & Thursday - 11 AM - Makes your hands feel great!! -Under the supervision of Byron Stilts
Balance & Flexibility Class - Tuesday & Friday - 11 AM - About a 30 minutes - class led by Betty Tauscher
Coffee Time - Tuesday - 9:30 AM - Bring food to share, or just show up!!!
Hearing Aide Service - Wednesday - 1 - 3 PM - Are you missing a lot of what people are saying.
Crafts - Thursday - 1 PM - Rosella Sydow has several on going projects.
Wii games - Every day prior to lunch - Come in and play a variety of fun games!!
Mexican Train (dominoes) game!! Every day following lunch. Come play with us!!
Anniversaries: Wednesday - John & Lola Mae Gilkison
Birthdays: Sunday - Wayne Brownlee
Wednesday - Bill Nicholson; Milton Hiebert; Bill Winkler; Maxine Herman
Thursday - Shirley Clark
Friday - Leo Skelton; Dick Plowman
Saturday - Ron Richards; Marvin Kirkgassner
Did you know: >> We have greeting cards for sale. There are Get Well cards; Sympathy cards; Birthday cards and Seasonal cards, for example. Now would be a good time to purchase your Valentine cards. These cards were purchased at the auction of a store that went out of business a few years ago. The price is 25 cents each, plus sales tax. You can not beat that price!!!
Thoughts to Ponder: If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito. – Betty Reese; Worrying about something that may never happen is like paying interest on money you may never borrow. – Unknown ; The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning. – George Baker
Welcome Inn What-Nots