CLAFLIN — The governing body of the City of Claflin met in regular session, Sept. 10, 2012 in the city building. Present were: Mayor Michael Urban, Councilpersons Kirk Schneweis, Kelly Nixon, Casey Hubbard and Leon Oberle. Also present: City Attorney Bob Suelter, City Clerk Patricia Schmidt, Richard Hayes and Robert Gunder.
Hubbard moved, Oberle seconded, with all in favor, to approve the minutes of the August 13, 2012 meeting as written.
Add “problem with vehicles and over growth on the railroad right away” to the agenda as Item #4. Nixon moved to approve the agenda with this change. Oberle seconded with all in favor.
Hubbard moved to pay the September 2012 bills with the addition of $10,345.12 in bills not on the list. Schneweis seconded with all in favor.
Trading in the lawn mower was discussed, but will be talked about toward budget time.
They are waiting on the asbestos inspection before proceeding with the demolition of the old Community Center.
Dilapidated properties were discussed and placed on the October agenda.
By council consensus, the city will still accept sealed bids on the appliances/equipment from the old grade school.
There was much discussion over the need to raise the water and sewer rates. They need to build up reserves to replace old water lines and to keep up with higher costs to keep our systems running smoothly. Nixon moved to adopt the following water rates, Schneweis seconded, with all in favor.
Effective January 2013, the cost will be $12 minimum for the first 1,000 gallons and $3 per 1,000 gallons after.
Hubbard moved to adopt the following sewer rates, Schneweis seconded, with all in favor.
Effective March 2013, there will be a $9 minimum for the first 1,000 gallons and $3 per 1,000 after.
Schneweis moved to adopt Ord 12-0910A, which amends the code of ordinances of the city and adopts the “Uniform Public Offense Code”, edition 2012. Also to adopt Ord. 12-0910B, which amends the code of ordinances of the city and adopts the “Standard Traffic Ordinance for Kansas cities”, 2012 edition. Nixon seconded with all in favor.
The property by the elevator in the railroad right of way, is unable to be maintained due to vehicles etc being parked there and never being moved, causing an overgrowth of weeds etc. The city will speak with the owners of the problem vehicles about fixing this problem.
This summary of the minutes is subject for approval at the next council meeting.
City of Claflin Council meeting