The governing body of the City of Claflin met in regular session, Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 7 p.m. in the city building. Present were: Mayor Michael Urban, Councilpersons Kirk Schneweis, Kelly Nixon, Casey Hubbard, Dan Michaelis and Leon Oberle. Also present were: City Attorney Bob Suelter, City Clerk Patricia Schmidt, Richard Hayes, Alvita Cates and Gerry Schartz.
Schneweis moved, Nixon seconded, with all in favor, to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2012 meeting as written.
Oberle moved to pay the October 2012 bills. Hubbard seconded with all in favor.
Street patching is done for this year. The pool has been winterized. The city crew will cut down a couple of dead trees in front of the museum.
There is a meeting on Oct. 23, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the future of the Claflin Post Office. Cates stressed the importance of having as many of the community as possible attend the meeting. She also asked if the meeting could be held, without a fee, at the Claflin Community Center (409 A Street). Nixon moved to hold the meeting, at no charge, at the Claflin Community Center. Schneweis seconded with all in favor.
Sealed bids on equipment from grade school.
Hubbard moved to accept the following bids from Tony Zink: $50 for the kitchen butcher block/cabinet and $75 for the large elbow prep counter with two drawers. Nixon seconded with all in favor.
The council discussed water line replacement starting on K-4. Might do in small increments to make it affordable. Hayes will check into costs.
Hubbard moved, Oberle seconded, with all in favor to charge $225 with a $10 deposit, for the kitchen, small room and gym at the Community Center.
By council consensus, the Boosters piano will not be moved from the old community center to the new one.
Oberle moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes for the purpose of discussing non-elected personal, from 8:15 to 8:30 p.m. with the mayor and council asked to stay. The regular meeting was reconvened at 8:33 PM. No action was taken.
Nixon moved, Schneweis seconded with all in favor to Give Robert Gunder, Richard Hayes and Patty Schmidt a 4% raise, effective on their anniversary dates.
Michaelis moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m. Hubbard seconded with all in favor.
Claflin council holds meeting