ELLINWOOD — The Barton County Courthouse Employee Relations Committee of Great Bend donated much needed items for the Ellinwood Food Bank. Chairperson Lorraine Rickert shared a bit of how the food bank began in Ellinwood when she accepted the donation with much gratitude.
The year was 1989 when the food bank started out in a small room in Rickert’s beauty shop. It was held there until she retired. It was then located in the Methodist thrift shop building. Now it is located in a room on the west end of the United Church of Christ.
"As in the past to this day, we work on the honor system. For those are in need, we want to help. There are qualifications, and we keep things very private and confidential," Rickert said.
Some qualifications for the food bank include you must reside in Ellinwood, show a drivers license or picture I.D., be willing to share the cause of the need whether it is because they are out of work, injured and cannot work or a single mom in need of help while getting on her feet.
Father Mazouch, St. Joseph Catholic Church is the treasurer of the food bank and will take calls if you feel the need for financial help. Father Mazouch prefers folks to call first if possible, as he is pastor of three parishes but will respond as soon as possible. Father will be glad to listen and guide you. This is not the food bank phone number. This number is only for monetary help if your utilities will be shut off and you haven’t the means to pay. Perhaps one just needs spiritual help, a friendly voice gently guiding where needed. You are encouraged to call 564-2534.
Times are tight in most families with gas prices up and food prices rising, budgets are stretched and perhaps we all just have to do with a little less. But when it is critical, please ask for help.
All six of Ellinwoods community churches share in donating time to open to the food bank. Anyone interested in can make a donation of food, cleaning supplies, baby formula, baby food, diapers, personal care products or perhaps a monetary donation to spend where needed most. You are encouraged to bring items during business hours.
Food Bank hours are open as follows, of each month the first Mon. 6–7:30 p.m. ; first Friday 1-2:30 p.m.; second Wed. 1–2:30 p.m. ; third Mon. 6–7:30 p.m. third Fri. 1–2:30 p.m.; fourth Wed. 1–2:30 p.m. If you have an emergency you may call Rickert at 564-2660.