ELLINWOOD — Ellinwood will celebrate the cooler temperatures of fall with a slate of activities on Saturday, Oct. 5. Called the “Fall Frolic,” not only will there be the annual city-wide garage sale, but the Peddler’s Market has returned after a hiatus of several years. Plus, the day starts off with a two mile Health Walk, promoting healthy lifestyles.
There will also be Walk the Moon inflatables hosted by Lenny Thomas for the kids, raising money for the Fire Escape and the Food Bank, at the American Legion. All of the proceeds will benefit the Fire Escape youth center. Thomas also asks that individuals bring a non-perishable food item that will be donated to the Food Bank.
“The cool temperatures of autumn somehow inspire a more relaxed attitude. The busy nature of summer has passed and the holiday rush is in the distance. With that in mind, the goal of the Fall Frolic is to provide visitors with a casual, relaxed experience around town,” said J. Basil Dannebohm, Chamber of Commerce administrator.
“It started as a city wide garage sale and after a series of conversations with retailers, it evolved into something more of a fest,” Dannebohm said.
The Peddler’s Market will have such items as honey, soaps, candles, pottery and baked goods in downtown Ellinwood. Bakers, craftsmen and artisans are encouraged to take part in the event which will be held in Ellinwood from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Space is limited for the event so vendors interested in having a booth downtown need to contact the Chamber soon.
Ellinwood businesses will use the Peddler’s Market as an opportunity for a sidewalk sale.
To register, email the Chamber at ellinwoodchamber@hotmail.com. The cost is $10 for Chamber members and $20 for non-members. Last minute registrations will be taken at the Chamber office.
The City-Wide Garage Sale will be held throughout Ellinwood. Maps will be available at the Chamber offices or at the Pop N Shop at 8 a.m.
Sponsored by the Ellinwood District Hospital and the Physical Therapy Department the two mile Health Walk begins at 7 a.m. at Wolf Park band shell. The event will open with a show by Mike Westerman who will sell old-fashioned patent medicine. The walk will then follow through town, ending at the band shell.
The reason behind the walk is health. “We’ll have a two mile walk in honor of National Physical Therapy month, trying to promote health through walking,” said Scott Tillotson, EDH. By taking a 30 minute walk each day, many diseases can be avoided.
For more information contact the Ellinwood Chamber at 566-7353.
Fall Frolic to be held in Ellinwood